FMS-300: Pulse-modulated chlorophyll fluorometer for teaching & research applications


Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometer for teaching & research

A state-of-the-art, Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorometer combining the usability of a teaching system with the power and functionality to provide high-level research-grade data.

Welcome to Hansatech Instruments

Instrumentation for Photosynthesis & Respiration Studies

Our products

High-resolution respirometry applications in mitochondrial function and other research areas

Hansatech Instruments high resolution respirometers, Oxygraph+ and Oxytherm+. Real-time measurements of oxygen consumption rates in mitochondrial function research.

Hansatech Instruments Oxygraph+ and Oxytherm+ R respirometers are ideal choices for high-resolution, high sensitivity, cost-effective analysis of mitochondrial function, bioenergetics and other respirometry applications. Real-time oxygen flux measurements can be combined with simultaneous data from ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) to provide measurements of pH, calcium (Ca2+) or potassium (K+) activity, or membrane potential (TPP+).

Some of the different biomedical, biochemical and biotechnology research areas include:

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction and disease.
  • Neurology including brain/neuronal injury and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Oncology/cancer research.
  • Pharmaceuticals.
  • Aging.
  • Cardiology & cardiovascular disease research.
  • Endocrinology including diabetes research.
  • Hepatology.
  • Research into function and treatment of bacterial and viral infectious diseases.
  • Metabolomics.
  • Kinesiology and exercise physiology research.
  • Mycology.
  • Ecotoxicology.
  • Biophotovoltaics.
  • Nano materials.
  • Biorefining.
Click on the button below to view a selection of publications citing Hansatech Instruments high-resolution respirometry systems in biomedical research applications.
Click on the button below to read about the use of high-resolution systems in studies of mitochondrial function, bioenergetics and other respirometry applications.
About Hansatech Instruments Ltd | Oxygen electrode & chlorophyll fluorescence measurement systems for cellular respiration & photosynthesis research

About Hansatech Instruments Ltd

Hansatech Instruments is a British company that has been developing high quality scientific instrumentation for over 40 years. Our systems are used widely for teaching & research in cellular respiration & photosynthesis programs in more than 100 countries throughout the world. We have gained an enviable reputation for quality, reliability & excellent price/performance.

Hansatech Instruments Product Range | Oxygen electrode & chlorophyll fluorescence measurement systems for cellular respiration & photosynthesis research

Our product range

Our product range consists of a range of modular solutions for the measurement of oxygen using Clark type polarographic sensors. We also develop chlorophyll fluorescence measurement systems using both continuous excitation & pulse-modulated measurement techniques with further optical instrumentation for the measurement of sample chlorophyll content.

Hansatech Instruments Technical Support | Oxygen electrode & chlorophyll fluorescence measurement systems for cellular respiration & photosynthesis research

Technical support

Purchasers of Hansatech Instruments products can be assured of ongoing support & prompt & efficient attention to enquiries at all times. Support is available both directly & from our global distributor network. Customers are encouraged to register their instruments on our website which allows access to instrument manuals & software upgrades.