Oxyview Electrode Control Unit Overview
The OXYV1 Oxyview control unit has been designed as a convenient, low-cost oxygen electrode control unit for teaching studies of photosynthesis and cellular respiration using the oxygen electrode measurement technique.
The Oxyview control unit is fully compatible with the range of oxygen electrode chambers produced by Hansatech Instruments thus allowing a wide range of different assays to be performed in both liquid and gas-phases.

The Oxyview is configured and controlled via a front mounted control panel featuring 4 touch-sensitive buttons. Configuration is achieved by navigating through a series of simple menu screens and following the displayed guidelines for each step of the setup process. These configuration steps include setting of the stirrer speed (for liquid-phase measurements) and back-off and gain settings. Once configured, the Oxyview control unit provides an accurate and stable reading of the oxygen content of the sample in question.
The Oxyview control unit is powered by a 12V DC wall cube which connects directly to the rear of the unit. Also at the rear is a 0V – 5V analogue output. This allows the measured values from the control unit to be logged to an external recording device such as a chart recorder or similar datalogger accepting a 0V – 5V analogue input.
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