FMS/LG1 Light Guide

FMS/LG1 – 8 x 100mm hexagonal light guide

  • Allows measurement of samples not suitable for use with conventional leafclips.
  • Can be submerged in liquid for aquatic and marine applications.
  • Optical grade borosilicate glass construction for maximum transmission of light and fluorescence signal.
  • Compatible with both FMS-300 and FMS 2+ chlorophyll fluorometers.

The FMS/LG1 light guide extends the functionality of the FMS-300 and FMS 2+ chlorophyll fluorometers. It connects to the fibre-optic cable as an optical extension that can be used to measure samples that are not suitable for the typical fibre-optic and leafclip configuration.

Samples held in marine or freshwater tanks such as seagrass, coral or other aquatic plants can be measured directly under the surface of the water with the guide positioned directly onto the sample itself.

The optically polished borosilicate light guide is hexagonal in cross section which provides superior homogenisation of the different light paths and 35% less light loss than light guides with non-hexagonal cross sections. This gives maximum transmission of both light to, and fluorescence from, the sample. The glass light guide is 8mm in diameter with a length of 100mm.

The light guide is housed in a protective sleeve and laminar samples can be held in position securely by attaching the magnetic puck beneath the sample surface.

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