USB quantum sensor

  • Fully cosine corrected serial quantum sensor with dual functionality
  • Filtered for 400nm – 700nm waveband
  • Measurement range of 0 µmol m-2 s-1 – 5,000 µmol m-2 s-1 with 1 µmol m-2 s-1 resolution
  • Logs PAR values at user defined intervals directly to the PC screen on simultaneous graphical & digital display software
  • Provides a light source calibration tool & instant light meter for the Handy PEA+ chlorophyll fluorimeter.

The SQS+ USB quantum sensor is a PAR (400nm – 700nm) filtered, fully cosine corrected light meter. It can be used to log PAR values to a remote PC at user-defined intervals via a USB link. Custom software allows the SQS+ to display real-time PAR values both graphically and as a digital panel meter and provides the function to save recorded values as a comma delimited (*.CSV) file for import to programs, such as Microsoft Excel®, for further analysis.

SQS+ can also be used as a calibration tool for the  Handy PEA+ fluorimeter by entering values measured by SQS+ into the relevant light source calibration function on the Handy PEA+ itself.

  • For stand-alone light meter: Cat. no. SQS+
  • For Handy PEA+ calibration tool: Cat. no. HPEA/SQS+

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